To meet our mutual goal for student success, we participate in a partnership and a shared expectation among school, parent, and student that students will be present and on time throughout each day of school. Regular attendance at school results in greater academic success and increased opportunities for supported career exploration and skill development.
Excused Absence: Absence that is excused by a parent for a valid reason. The following are examples of school-recognized valid reasons to excuse a student:
A doctor's note may be required to excuse a student or for admission to school at any time the administration deems it necessary. Failure to comply with such a request will result in an "unexcused" absence, which may be followed up with:
Truancy: Absence that is not designated as excused or unexcused. Truancy is further defined as:
Interventions to address truancy include, but are not limited to:
Unexcused Absence
When a student is unexcused, the parent may recognize the absence as being valid or legitimate, however the school does not. The following, even with parental consent, are considered to be unexcused absences:
Interventions to address unexcused absences include, but are not limited to:
Students must be in the classroom when class is scheduled to start. Students who arrive in the room after the scheduled start of class are tardy.
(a) Students must apply for the privilege of using the prearranged absence days through the attendance office. They will be given a Prearranged Absence Form to be signed by their teachers and parents. This completed form MUST be turned in TWO SCHOOL DAYS prior to the date of the prearranged absence or absence will be recorded as "Unexcused".
(b) The building principal or designee has the authority to grant up to five (5) school days of excused absences:
(c) Excused absences resulting from approved preplanned absences(s) shall be limited to five(5) days per year and may not be cumulative through a student's career.
(d) A student will not be eligible for an excused absence if the request for a preplanned absence covers the final week of a quarter and/or semester.
(e) Students have full make-up privilege and must initiate make-up work.